What happens to coded terms when the answer to a coding question is cleared or updated?

When a site user modifies or removes a coding question's answer, coding targets are automatically cleared.

Coding targets are read-only fields that are populated with coded terms, either automatically or manually coded with a dictionary translation from Oracle Central Coding. If you modify a coding question's answer (a route of administration, for example), coding targets are automatically cleared on that form. After that, according to your modified term, Oracle Central Coding will pick up the new translations and coding targets will be refreshed in Oracle Clinical One Platform.

Keep in mind that once you modify a coding question's answer, coding targets will not be refreshed immediately. First, the items are cleared and after the terms are coded in Oracle Central Coding, the coding targets will be populated with the updated coded term. If you remove a coding question's answer, coding targets are automatically cleared on that form and will remain clear until you add a new answer to the coding question.

If you want to view audit trail data of coding questions and coding targets, we recommend running the Subject Data report.