What is the workflow for shipments?

This workflow applies to shipments when you don't use an integration for shipments, and it applies to all types of shipments, including the initial shipment to a site, a resupply shipment that is generated automatically when resupply runs, and a manual shipment.

  1. When a new shipment is created in Oracle Clinical One Platform, the recipient specified in the Email field for the depot receives an email with an attachment specifying the contents of the shipment and the site that requires it.
  2. The designated person at the depot fulfills the shipment request and then adds a ship date to it. Adding a ship date changes the status of the shipment to Pending.
  3. A site receives the shipment and marks the shipment as received, changing its status to Received.

Want details about the workflow when you use an integration with Almac or Fisher Clinical Services?