Add instructional text to a form

When creating a new form, you can add read-only text to the form to provide users with additional information or instructions on how to complete it.

Before adding instructional text to a form, it's important to know:

  • Instructional text cannot be used in question groups, repeating forms, or repeating tables, including lab forms.


    Instructional text can only be added to the top section of a two-section form.
  • Validation and predefined rules cannot be defined for instructional text.
  • The added text can be formatted for further clarity if desired. External links and email addresses can also be included.
  • You can modify or delete the text once your study version is approved.
  1. Create a one-section or two-section form.
  2. In the lower-left corner, click Add.
  3. If you are creating a two-section form, select one of the following:
    • Before the table
    • In the table
    • After the table
  4. Select Instructional Text.
  5. Enter the instructional or informational text you'd like to provide the user responsible for completing the form, and format it for further clarification if desired.