Create a repeating form

Create a repeating form when you want to allow site users to collect multiple instances of the same data.

For example, if a subject went through multiple surgeries, a site user can add new instances of a Surgeries form to collect data for each surgery. Or if a subject experienced multiple adverse events, you can create an Adverse Events form and mark it as repeating so that the site user can re-use it for each event experienced by the subject.

If you're collecting data where multiple values are related, create separate questions for each value. For example, to collect data about blood pressure, create two number questions, one for systolic blood pressure and the other for diastolic blood pressure.

You can also include a coding question in a repeating form.


Multiple study designers can create or update different forms at the same time. For example, you can edit a form, while at the same time another study designer creates a new form. However, you are not allowed to work on the same form at the same time. If you try to open a form that another study designer is working on, the system displays a message informing you that another user is editing the form at that moment and you can only view the form. For more information, see Can multiple study designers edit a study at the same time?.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.

Make sure you first create a form. For step-by-step instructions, see Create a form with one section or Create a form with two sections.

To create a repeating form:
  1. Access the Draft version of a study as described in Open a study's design.
  2. On the Forms tab, locate the form you want to edit or create a new one.
  3. On the right, expand the Details pane and turn on the Repeating Form toggle to make the form repeating.
  4. By default, the Allow Additional Rows toggle is turned on. If you included a label item in the repeating form and you want to prevent a site user from adding additional rows to the repeating form, turn off the toggle.
  5. Should your form require it, select an image file to be used as a logo.


    At this stage, the logo is only visible on the form if you click Preview.
  6. Click Save or Save & Close.