Define a Send Notification rule

You can create a rule that sends email notifications on data entries and response changes. Additionally, you can set follow-up email notifications on data changes to be sent following an initial notification. You can use this feature to notify designated team members based on specific criteria.

These settings are added to form questions in Study Design mode as predefined rules. Rule designers can also create custom rules to send email notifications in Testing mode. To learn more, see Create a rule to send an e-mail notification.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.

Send Notification rules can only be set for a choice type of question, such as a dropdown question, a question with radio buttons, or checkboxes. Also, when you set study roles as recepients, you can only use custom study roles to send a notification to. Oracle template study roles cannot be selected.
  1. Access the Draft version of a study as described in Open a study's design.
  2. Make sure you are on the Data Collection page.
  3. Navigate to the Forms tab.
  4. Open a form:
  5. Select the choice type of question that should contain a rule.
  6. On the right, expand the Rules side panel and, from the Add Rule drop-down, select Send Notification.
  7. Configure the scenario to generate the notification:
    • To notify when a specific answer is entered: choose When Selection Is, then select the answer option from the dropdown.
    • To set further follow-up notifications on data changes: activate the option Notify when response changes to the selected questions, then select the questions to be monitored.


      This option is only available once you have set notifications when an answer Is a specific option. Follow-up notification emails are not available if you set the initial email for Changes.
    • To notify only when response changes: select When Selection Changes.
  8. Click Specify recipients and messages.
  9. When the Specify recipients and messages dialog appears, in the Recipients section, select the user roles to be notified or enter the recipient email addresses and distribution lists (separated with a semicolon) in the respective fields.
  10. On the right section of the dialog window, within the Message tab, enter the Subject Line and Body Message for the email notification.


    If you have set follow-up notifications on data changes, an additional tab displays on this section. Navigate to the Message for Response Changes tab to configure the follow-up notification message settings as you did for the initial message.
  11. Click Add.
Every time the defined criteria is met, the specified recipients will be notified. The email notification will always include details regarding the:
  • Study
  • Site
  • Subject
  • Visit
  • Form
  • Question
To make your rules and updates effective, the draft version must be made available in the desired mode. For more information, see: