Preview a form

Check for inconsistencies and improve the data collection process by previewing a form and sharing it with other team members (for additional review) before using it in a Production study.

This feature is available for study versions in the Draft, Testing, Approved, and Archived containers.

The form preview allows you to enter data to test the following.
  • Dynamic sections and questions
  • Range checks, such as Date of Birth years
  • Data entry in a table


Data entered in these forms is for preview purposes only and is not saved.
From the preview screen, you can invite other team members to participate in the preview process. Those invited receive an email containing a link to the form review in Oracle Clinical One Platform.


The email link is active until the study version is moved to a new container. For example, if the form preview was sent from the Draft container, the link is active until the study version is moved to the Testing container. This is the same for a move from Testing to Approved and from any container to Archived.
Users must have at least one of the following permissions to preview a form and invite others to participate in the preview process:
  • Design Forms
  • Design Randomization
  • Design SDV Properties on Forms
  • Design Supplies and Dispensation
  • Design Visits and Events
  • Move a Study Design to Testing or Production
  • Run the Study Design Report
  • Run the Study Rules Report
  • Upload and Generate Inventory Lists
  • Upload and Generate Randomization Lists
  • View Study Design (this permission is required to use the link provided in the email invite.)


Contact your Oracle Project Manager or User Administrator to check your permissions if you can't access a form preview.

Follow these steps to preview a form, print the form preview, and invite others to participate in the preview process.

  1. Click Edit Study (pencil icon), then locate and click on the appropriate study version in one of the four (4) study containers: Draft, Testing, Approved, or Archived.
    The Data Collection page opens.
  2. On the Forms tab, do one of the following to preview a form.
    1. Single-click one of the form tiles, then select Edit from the Manage Forms drop-down.
    2. Double-click one of the form tiles.
    3. Click Create Form to create a new form.
  3. Click Preview in the top-right corner of the form.
    The form preview opens in a new window. Close this window after your review is complete.


    You can only preview a form after you've saved your updates. If you attempt to preview a form without saving, you are be prompted with a Confirmation dialog. Click Save & Preview to continue.
  4. Click Print if you would like to print the form preview.


    To get a better layout on your print PDF copy, select Tabloid paper size and Landscape orientation.
  5. Click Share to share the preview form link with other users.
    The Share Form dialog window opens.
  6. Select the email addresses of the users that you want to share the preview form link with, then click Send Invite.


    The Email Address list includes those users with at least one of the permissions listed above.