Tag questions on date of birth, gender, and race

When it comes to subject tags, you can only have one question tagged with the Date of Birth, Gender, and Race tags in a study. For questions on gender and race, make sure you use a code list and that the code list is tagged with the same subject tag as the question.

Before you begin, make sure you do the following:

To tag questions, follow these steps:

  1. On the Forms tab, select the form that contains your demographic questions.
  2. Click Manage Forms and select Edit.
  3. On the right, expand the Advanced side panel and make sure the following questions are tagged as follows:
    • A question inquiring a subject's date of birth must be tagged with the Date of Birth subject tag.
    • A question on gender must be tagged with the Gender subject tag.
    • A question on race must be tagged with the Race subject tag.
After you're done tagging these required questions, your next step is to create a lab form. See Create the lab form. Tagging questions with the appropriate subject tags isn't a prerequisite to creating a lab form but it would be helpful for you to tag questions early on in the lab form creation process to ensure that they're properly configured before you start testing your study or going live with your study.