Understand the options for creating a coding question and coding targets

Learn more about the options available in the system to define a coding question and its coding targets.


From this drop-down, you select the dictionary that is used by Oracle Central Coding to search for the term that you want to convert.
  • World Health Organization Drug Dictionary (WHODrug) is the dictionary used for concomitant medications that subject take during a study.
  • Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) is the dictionary used for adverse events and medical history of subjects.

Coding Item Type

The Coding Item Type identifies a question for coding mapping. The options you see in this drop-down depend on the selection you make for the Dictionary field above. For example, if you choose WHODrug as the Dictionary, your list of options for the Coding Item Type might contain the following:
  • Verbatim Term: Translates the collected answer into a universal term. For example, a verbatim term for "aspirin child" can be "aspirin children".
  • Indication: Translates a symptom for which a certain medication is prescribed.
  • Route of Administration: Translates the way in which a drug is administered to a subject. For example, "intravenous" is a term used for the route of administration.

Tag for Central Coding

From this drop-down, you select a tag that categorizes your data in Central Coding. Options in this drop-down include:
  • AE: Identifies the verbatim term as an adverse event.
  • MH or NT: Identifies the verbatim term as medical history.
  • CM: Identifies the verbatim term as concomitant medication.
  • LB: Identifies the verbatim term as lab data.