Update the study version that is assigned to a site

Before updating the study version that is assigned to a site, make sure the site has signed off on the new study version, if this process is required, and make sure that regional regulatory requirements are in place. This procedure also applies to rollover studies.

  1. On the Home page, click the study settings button (settings button) on the study you want to edit, and select Open Settings.
  2. Below the study name, click the Sites tab.
  3. Update the study version that is assigned to a site for production:
    1. On the left, make sure Production Sites is selected.
    2. From the Study Version drop-down, select the new study version for the site.


      If a site uses predictive resupply, shipments are created for the site only when a study version is assigned to the site.
    3. In the upper-right corner, click Apply Settings.
  4. To make the new study version available in Training mode, update the study version that is assigned to a site for training:
    1. Select Training Sites, and use the previous steps to update the study version that is assigned to a site in the Training mode.