Change your challenge questions

If your organization uses challenge (security) questions to reset passwords, you can change your questions at any time in Oracle Life Sciences IAMS.

To change your challenge questions:
  1. Sign in to Oracle Life Sciences IAMS as described in Sign in to Oracle Life Sciences IAMS directly.
    Depending on how your organziation set up the applications, you see the Oracle Health Sciences My Oracle Bookmarks or Oracle Life Sciences Cloud home page.
  2. Perform one of the following:
    • If you see Oracle Health Sciences My Oracle Bookmarks: In the upper-right, click your name and select Account Management.
    • If you see Oracle Life Sciences Cloud: On the left, under Quick Links, click Update Profile.
  3. Under My Profile, click My Information.
  4. Expand the Challenge Questions section.
  5. Choose three challenge questions and enter answers.
  6. In the Challenge Questions section, click Apply.