Change an enterprise ID

To change the enterprise ID assigned to a login group, you must be a superuser.

When your organization requested Oracle to enable multi-enterprise support for your Oracle Empirica Signal Cloud environment, your organization supplied a list of login groups to create, the users who belong to each login group, and the enterprise ID to associate with the login group. Oracle discourages changing the enterprise ID.


Each enterprise ID can be associated with only one login group.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Manage Users section, click Edit Login Groups.
  3. Click Edit for a login group you wish to associate with a different enterprise ID.
    The Login Group Settings page appears.
  4. If multi-enterprise support is enabled, an Argus Mart Enterprise field appears. Only a superuser can set or change this field. This is a read-only field for non-superusers.
    1. If the field is blank, it means an enterprise ID has not been associated with the login group. You can select an enterprise ID from the drop-down list.
    2. If the login group has already been saved with an enterprise ID, the field is read-only even for superusers. However, a Change link allows superusers to select a different enterprise ID.
  5. To change the enterprise ID, click the Change link.
  6. Read the warning message and click OK to continue the change.
  7. Select a different enterprise ID from the Argus Mart Enterprise drop-down list, and then click Save.


    If you modified settings for an existing login group, then users currently logged in who are associated with the login group are not affected by the changes during their current session. The changes take effect the next time they log in.