Edit attributes of a multi-enterprise enabled Oracle Argus Mart Cloud configuration

To prevent modification of properties shared among configurations of Type Argus_ME, several changes have been made to the Manage Configurations function. These changes affect both superusers and users with Manage Configurations permission.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Configure System section, click Manage Configurations.
  3. Click the Row Action menu (Row menu) for the multi-enterprise enabled Oracle Argus Mart configuration. You can identify a multi-enterprise enabled configuration by the value Argus_ME in the Type column.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. On the Modify Configuration page, modify the fields as permitted:
    • If you are a superuser, you can do everything except copy the configuration. Copying the configuration would create a local, but not multi-enterprise enabled, version of the configuration without access to the data.
    • If you are not a superuser but you have Manage Configurations permission and edit access to the Argus_ME configuration, your edit activities are more limited:
      • Add New Variable, Copy this Configuration, and Delete this Configuration links are not available.
      • You can access the Edit link at the far right of the top table. On the Edit Configuration Details page, everything except Group and Individual Permissions is Read only. This includes the buttons to select the drilldown map. Save and Cancel still work.
      • Although you can access the Edit Variable page from the Variables table at the bottom of the Modify Configuration page, you cannot change any variables.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Validate the data configuration. Even if the only change was to assign permissions, you must validate the data configuration again.

    Changes to certain attributes of a data configuration or its variables require you to log out of the application and log back in before they take effect. For this reason, Oracle suggests that you always log out and back in after modifying a data configuration.