Establish an administrator for each multi-enterprise enabled Oracle Argus Mart signal configuration

The login group associated with each multi-enterprise enabled Oracle Argus Mart signal configuration should have at least one user with Manage Signal Configurations permission to perform customization and maintenance of that configuration.

If necessary, create the user

For Oracle-hosted installations, such as an Oracle Empirica Signal Cloud environment, you first create users in the appropriate cloud identity management console, then manage their roles and permissions on the Oracle Empirica Signal Users page.

  1. If the user you want to administer the login group wasn't set up when the Oracle Empirica Signal Cloud environment was multi-enterprise enabled, create the user.


    For more information, see the appropriate documentation for your cloud identity management service, either Managing Oracle Empirica Signal Cloud Users with Oracle Health IAMS or Managing Oracle Empirica Signal Cloud Users with Oracle IDCS.
  2. Optionally, change the login group, roles, and permissions assigned to the user.
  3. If you plan to use the Topics feature of Oracle Empirica Signal, optionally do the following for newly created users:
Establish a user with Manage Signal Configurations permission in the login group associated with the multi-enterprise enabled Oracle Argus Mart signal configuration
  1. Log in to the Oracle Empirica Signal application.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  3. In the Manage Users section, click Edit Users.
  4. To sort the Users list by login group, click the Login Group column header.
  5. Click the Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) of the user to be given Manage Signal Configurations permission, and then click Edit.


    On the Edit User page, do not select the Superuser checkbox.
  6. Click the Assign Permissions link.
  7. In the Signal Management section of the Assign Permissions page, make sure that the Manage Signal Configurations checkbox is selected.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Repeat these steps for each login group.