Automatically assign reviewers to products

You must have the Manage Signaling Terms permission to automatically assign reviewers to products. Additionally, an administrator must enable the Allow Automatic Assignment of Reviewers to Products site option.


You must refresh signal management before you can use the automatic assignment feature since it uses counts of new cases to evenly distribute product reviews among reviewers.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Signal Review icon (Signal Review icon).
  2. From the Manage Reference Data menu (Manage Reference Data menu), on the top right, click Auto-Assign to Reviewers.
  3. From the Signal set drop-down list, select a product criterion.
    For a multisource configuration, only signal sets from the Lead configuration are available in the drop-down.
  4. From the Consider drugs with new cases since drop-down list, select a time period.

    Choose a signal set that represents new cases; for example, named "...Nsince" or "...Nnew", and not one that represents a total count (named "...N").

  5. Click Next.
  6. From the Available reviewers list, select the reviewers, move them to the Selected reviewers list, and click Next.
    • Available reviewers for assignment are those in login groups to which the signal configuration is published.


      If you are working with a multisource signal configuration, the login groups may differ between the connected configurations. Since the reviewers list is shared between all connected configurations, changes made to one configuration overwrites the data in all on refresh. To prevent losing data, you should assign reviewers from either the multisource signal configuration or the lead configuration, but not both. See Get started with multisource signal configurations.
    • An error message appears if there are no drugs that conform to the selected time period.
  7. From the Available drugs list, select the drugs, move them to the Selected drugs list, and click Next.

    Available drugs are those that are marked as allowing participation in automatic assignment and for which there are new cases since the selected time period.

  8. Click Next.

    The Automatic Assignments dialog box appears, showing the reviewer assignments that can be made. The number of new cases for each drug is also shown.

  9. Click Save.