Define the Links menu

The Drug Profile page includes a Links menu that provides access to specified URLs. By default, the menu includes links to PubMed literature references, NIH label information, FDA drug information and EMA medicines publications for the drug associated with the current chart window. You can change the default links or add other links.

  1. In the Signal/WEB-INF/classes subdirectory of the server location where the Oracle Empirica Signal application was installed, open the file.
  2. Find lines starting with URLLINK. Lines for the default links are:

    URLLINK.1.LINK_NAME=PubMed Literature References


    URLLINK.2.LINK_NAME=NIH DailyMed Label Information


    URLLINK.3.LINK_NAME=FDA Drug Information


    URLLINK.4.LINK_NAME=EMA Medicines Publications


  3. Modify or add links.
    • For each link on the Links menu, there must be a pair of lines, one defining the name of the menu option and one specifying the URL.
    • In the URL, use the following string if you need to substitute in the drug name associated with the current chart window: \$DRUG\$
    • The number after URLLINK determines the order of options in the Links menu. For example, to add a link to the two default links, you add two lines starting with URLLINK.3. You can renumber links, but the numbers must start with 1, and you cannot skip numbers.