Edit the general information about an action

You can edit the name, description, and any custom fields defined for actions by the topic workflow configuration.

You can select an action from the Actions table on the Actions tab. You can also edit actions associated with a specific topic from the Topics tab by selecting a topic, displaying the actions associated with the topic, and choosing an action to edit. In either case, you make your edits on the Edit Action page.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Topic Management icon (Topic Management icon).
  2. Click the Actions tab.
  3. Click an action's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon), and then click Edit.
  4. Update the general information as needed then click Save.

    Field descriptions—General Information

    Required fields are indicated by a red asterisk.

    Field Description

    Action state

    Indicates the state of the action in the workflow. States are specified in the topic workflow configuration to represent the expected workflow.

    Action type

    Category of defined action; for example, literature search.

    Action name

    Name of the action.

    Action description

    Description of the action.


    Free text to filter the topics that appear in a table.

    Assigned to

    User or work team to whom the action is assigned. By default, an action that you add is assigned to you.

    Available users and work teams are determined by the Visible to work team selection.

    • Users: Members of the Visible to work team(s) selection with Edit Topic/Action work team permission.
    • Work teams: All work teams with the Assign to work team property enabled and at least one active member in the Users list.

    Start date

    The date that the action begins. If you change it and the planned completion date is filled in, the Planned completion date changes to retain the interval between these dates.

    Planned completion date

    Anticipated completion date for the action. Enter the date in the text box or click the Calendar control Calendar icon and select a date.

    Actual completion date

    Actual date that the action was completed. Enter the date in the text box or click the Calendar control Calendar icon and select a date.
  5. (optional) View or edit additional information about the topic action by selecting a tab from the left navigation pane:


    The Save button affects only the General Information section of the action. Do not click Save after you work with other sections of this page. Any changes to other sections are saved immediately.