Group and filter products

Using the Products By drop-down list and cards carousel, you can group and filter the products displayed in the Products table.

Use the Products By drop-down list on the Products page to group products you are tracking:

Products By drop-down list

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Signal Review icon (Signal Review icon).
  2. From the Products By drop-down list, select a product group.
    • Category: Customer-definable product field value set when adding or editing a product to monitor. A user with Manage Signal Configuration permission defines the acceptable product field values. Examples include Drug, Vaccine, or Cosmetics, or separation by therapeutic use or chemical class.
    • Complexity: Customer-definable product field value set when adding or editing a product to monitor. A user with Manage Signal Configuration permission defines the acceptable product field values.

      Complexity can be used in alert type definitions. Complexity level, periodicity, and birthdate determine if the alert type rule will be part of the data refresh. The default values are High, Medium, and Low. For example, a high-complexity-level product would get scheduled more frequently for review than a product with a lower complexity level.

    • Organization: Customer-definable product field value set when adding or editing a product to monitor. Your products can, optionally, be assigned to a (sub-)organization in the enterprise. For example, companies might define organizations for branded versus generic drugs, or regional products in an organization located in a separate country.
    • Product Group: (Default) Customer-definable grouping set when the product was added or edited. Examples include therapeutic areas and cardiovascular products.
    • Reviewer: Person responsible for reviewing the product-event combinations.


    The acceptable values for customer-definable product fields are defined by a user with Manage Signal Configuration permissions.
    Oracle Empirica Signal remembers your Products By selections across sessions for the signal management configuration you are working with.
  3. You can further filter the Products table by selecting one of the cards displayed below the Products By drop-down:

    Products cards

    The cards available in the carousel match your selected grouping. For each grouping, a card aggregates all products in that group and displays elements of the group.

    You can move back and forth through the pages of cards by clicking the dots or page numbers below them. You can also scroll the cards using the left and right arrows.

    Selecting a card filters the Products table to monitored products contained in that group.

    Products By product grouping

    The corresponding products appear in the Products table.

    The Details panel to the right also updates to reflect information relevant to the selection.

  4. To remove the filter from the Products table and display all monitored products, select the All card.
To learn about the Products table fields and actions available, see Investigate products in the Products table.