Manage data mining run storage

The Oracle Empirica Signal tools for managing data mining run storage are intended for the use of an Oracle Database Administrator who is responsible for the Oracle Empirica Signal database.

To archive a run, you export the run data and set the archived flag to Yes. To de-archive a run, you import the run data and clear the Archived flag.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Administer System section, click Manage Run Storage.

Row Action menu options

Click the Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) for a run to do the following:

  • To export the run data, click Export Run Data.
  • To import the run data, click Import Run Data.
  • To mark a run as archived, click Set Archived Flag. The value in the Archived column changes to Yes.
  • To clear the Archived flag, click Clear Archived Flag.
  • To move the run to a different tablespace, click Create Move Script.

On the Data Mining Runs page, you can include an Archived column showing the setting of the Archive flag. If the Archived flag for a run is set to Yes, the run description on the Data Mining Runs page starts with Archived. If the Archived flag is Yes for a run, you cannot view run results.