Predefined Oracle Analytics topic reports

Predefined Oracle Analytics reports are available from a link on the Topic Management page if your database administrator and IT administrator installed and configured Oracle Analytics and its components.

The following sections describe the predefined reports that are available.


Planned actions are excluded from the reports.


Options in drop-down lists appear in case-sensitive alphabetical order.

Action State Timelines

Description Filters for Data Retrieval Columns

Provides the total elapsed time in days that each Action spent in a specific state. Computes the elapsed time using the Action Modification Date. If this date is unavailable, computes the time using the Action Creation Date.

Sorted in order by Topic ID by Action ID by Action Version ID. Action Version ID is not a visible field.

  • Project
  • Topic name
  • Action Name
  • Project
  • Topic ID
  • Topic Name
  • Action ID
  • Action Name
  • Action States

Action State Timelines Sample Report

Oracle Analytics reports: Action State Timelines

Actions by Status

Description Filters for Data Retrieval Columns

Provides topic information based on action status.

Sorted in order by Action Status by Planned Completion Date by Action Name.

  • Action Status
  • Project
  • Topic Action Modified Date From/To

Note: To ensure that the query retrieves all data for a specific day, you should increase the date in the To field by 1 day. For example, to retrieve topics with Action Modified dates from 02/01/2012-02/04/2012, specify a From date of 02/01/2012 and a To date of 02/05/2012.

  • Action Status
  • Planned Completion Date
  • Action ID
  • Action Name
  • Action Description
  • Action State
  • Action Assigned To
  • Action Created By
  • Action Created Date
  • Actual Completion Date
  • Action Modified By
  • Action Modified Date
  • Topic ID
  • Topic Name
  • Topic Description
  • Topic State
  • Project
  • Topic Assigned To

Actions by Status Sample Report (partial)

Oracle Analytics reports: Action by Status

Actions by Topic

Description Filters for Data Retrieval Columns

Provides topic information based on topic action.

Sorted in order by Project by Topic Name by Topic Modified Date by Action Name.

  • Project
  • Topic Name
  • Topic State
  • Action State
  • Project
  • Topic ID
  • Topic Name
  • Topic Description
  • Topic Assigned To
  • Topic Created Date
  • Topic Modified Date
  • Topic State
  • Resolution Date
  • Search Keywords
  • Action Name
  • Action Description
  • Action State
  • Action Assigned To
  • Action Status
  • Action Type
  • Action Id
  • Version No
  • Planned Completion Date
  • Actual Completion Date

Actions by Topic Sample Report (partial)

Oracle Analytics reports: Actions by Topic

Attachments in Topics

Description Filters for Data Retrieval Columns

Provides topic attachment information.

Sorted in order by column from left to right.

  • Project
  • Topic Name
  • Source
  • Topic Modified Date From/To

Note: If a topic has not yet been modified, the topic Creation Date is used in topic retrieval.

  • Project
  • Topic ID
  • Topic Name
  • Source
  • Topic Attachment Name
  • Topic Attachment Created By
  • Topic Attachment Created Date
  • Topic Attachment Modified By
  • Topic Attachment Modified Date

Attachments in Topics Sample Report

Oracle Analytics reports: Attachments by Topics

Topic Counts by Work Team/User

Description Filters for Data Retrieval Columns

Provides the number of topics in each state assigned to each user on one or more work teams, and the total number of topics assigned to the work team.

There is one table for each work team.

Sorted in order by work team user.

Note: Topics that are visible to a work team but are not assigned to a member of the work team are not included in the Work Team Total.

  • Work Team Name
  • Topics (count)
  • Topic State (one column for each)

Note: If no topics are in a given state, the Topic State column does not appear.

Topic Counts by Work Team/User Sample Report

Oracle Analytics reports: Topic Counts by Work Team/User

Topic State Timelines

Description Filters for Data Retrieval Columns

Provides the total elapsed time in days that each topic spent in a specific topic state.

Sorted in order by Topic Version ID. Topic Version ID is not a visible field.

Note: If the total elapsed time is less than 12 hours, the time period appears as 0 days.

  • Project
  • Topic Name
  • Project
  • Topic ID
  • Topic Name
  • Topic Description
  • Topic State

Topic State Timelines Sample Report

Oracle Analytics reports: Topic State Timelines

Topics by State

Description Filters for Data Retrieval Columns

Provides topic information based on topic state.

Sorted in order by State by Project by Topic ID.

  • Topic State
  • Project
  • Topic Modified Date From/To

Note: To ensure that the query retrieves all data for a specific day, you should increase the date in the To field by 1 day. For example, to retrieve topics with Topic Modified dates from 02/01/2012-02/04/2012, specify a From date of 02/01/2012 and a To date of 02/05/2012.

Note: If a topic has not yet been modified, the topic Creation Date is used in topic retrieval.

  • Topic State
  • Project
  • Topic ID
  • Topic Name
  • Topic Description
  • Topic Assigned To
  • Topic Created By
  • Topic Created Date
  • Topic Modified By
  • Topic Modified Date
  • Resolution
  • Resolution Date

Topics by State Sample Report

Oracle Analytics reports: Topics by State

Average Duration in Topic State

Description Columns Bar Graph Details

Provides the average length of time a topic has spent in a state. The topic’s current state is not considered as part of the report.

Sorted by average duration.

  • Topic State
  • Average Duration (days)
  • Y-axis label: Average Duration (days)
  • X- axis label: Topic State
  • Bar labels: Topic State names from TWC

Average Duration in Topic State Sample Report

Average Duration by Topic State sample report

Topic Processing Time

Description Columns

Calculates the duration in days from when a topic is created until the toic moves to the current final state. If Total Processing Time (days) is greater than 100 the cell is shaded light red.

Sorted by Total Processing Time (days) .

  • Topic Name
  • Created, Final State
  • Total Processing Time (days)

Topic Processing Time Sample Report

Topic Processing Time sample report

Topic Count by Topic State

Description Columns

Provides the number of topics currently in each state.

Sorted by Topic Count.

  • Topic State
  • Topic Count

Topic Count by Topic State Sample Report

Topic Count by Topic State sample report

Days in Current Topic States

Description Columns

Provides the number of days since a topic transitioned into its current state. The report only includes open topics that are in a non-final state.

Sorted by Days in current state.

  • Topic Name
  • Topic State
  • Days in Current State

Days in Current Topic States Sample Report

Days in Current Topic States sample report

Summary of Safety Signals Report


This report is available only if Oracle Analytics is configured to use the RPD model and the report catalog for the Sample GVP Module IX.
Ensure the following topic fields are configured properly for the report:
  • The topic's Topic name field is populated with a signaling term.
  • The topic's Topic description field is populated with a brief summary of the rationale for further evaluation.
  • The topic's Product name field is populated with a product name.

    If your signal configuration is associated with the GVP Module IX topic workflow configuration and the signal configuration’s Topic product field is set to the topic workflow configuration’s Product name field, then when you create a new topic using Submit Review the topic’s Product name field will be automatically populated.

Description Filters for Data Retrieval Columns - Data souce

Tabular summary of safety signals ongoing or closed during the reporting interval.

Sorted in order by Signal term.

Note: The report reflects topic information as of the end of the reporting interval.

  • Product name
  • Reporting interval
  • Signal Term - Topic’s Topic name field
  • Date Detected - MMM/YYYY of the Topic’s Created Date
  • Status (Ongoing or Closed) - Topic’s Current state field
  • Date Closed (for closed signals) - MMM/YYYY of the date the topic last transitioned into a final state
  • Source of Signal - Concatenation of the Origin of signal and Source of topic fields
  • Reason for Evaluation and Summary of Key Data - Topic’s Topic description field
  • Method of Signal Evaluation (blank column)
  • Action(s) Taken or Planned - Topic’s Recommendation for action field
  • Resolution - Topic’s Justification for confirming or refuting signal field

Summary of Safety Signals Sample Report

Summary of Safety Signals sample report