Publish a data configuration

Users with permission to manage Signal Configurations.
Users with Manage Signal Configuration permission will have access to configurations published to their login group or published individually to them.
  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Configure System section, click Manage Signal Configurations.
  3. Click the configuration's Row Action menu (
    Row action menu

    ), then click Publish.
    The Publish Signal Configuration window appears. Publication status is listed under Publication Level.


    If no publication status appears, the object has been published to all Login Groups by a superuser and only the superuser can change this status. If the signal configuration is marked as Private, then the signal configuration has been published to you individually or you are the owner.
  4. To publish the configuration to your login group click Publish.
  5. To unpublish the configuration, click Make Private.
  6. Close the Publish Signal Configuration window to return to the Manage Signal Configurations page.
  7. Perform one of the following:
    • To grant permissions for the configuration to your login group, in the Group Permissions section next to the Login Group, click No Access, Read, or Edit.
    • To grant permissions to individual users in your login group, in the Individual Permissions section next to the user, click No Access, Read, or Edit.
      • A user's permissions for a configuration are determined by settings for both the individual user and the user's login group. For example, if the individual user has Read access, but that user's login group has Edit access, the user has Edit access.
      • Users with Read permission for a configuration can select the configuration for tasks such as creating a run or case series. Users with Edit permission can edit, copy, and delete the configuration, as well as use for tasks such as creating a run or case series.
  8. Click Save.