Sections of the Topics tab

The Topics tab of the Topic Management page provides information about existing topics. There are three sections.

In addition to the Title bar, containing the page title, Topic Workflow Configuration selector, and the View items for selectors, the three sections of the Topics tab are:

Graph section

The Graph section on the Topics tab graphically displays summary information of topics. The Topics By drop-down list contains a list of filterable fields. The type of field determines if a bar chart or donut chart is displayed. You may have to scroll horizontally to see all the bars. The donut graph displays when you select Current State.

Topics tab Graph section

You can perform a number of tasks in the Graph section that impact what you see in the Graph section of the Topics tab.

  • Make a selection from the Topics By drop-down list to graph the distribution of topics by this field. The graph displays counts (number of topics) for each value of the selected field. Data for which there is no value is displayed as (No Value). There is no impact on the content in the Topics table below.
  • For most Topics By fields, a solid bar is displayed with a count for each topic with the field value. If the Topics By field is Assigned To and the value is a work team, the bar is not solid.
  • If the Topics By selection is Current State, the states and number of topics for each state appears in a donut graph whose total area corresponds to 100%. If there are many states, you may want to remove some of the states with larger values to compare the states with smaller values. You can hide or unhide a state in the donut by clicking the state in the legend. If there is only one state, no legend displays.
  • Click Graph Options iconto open the Graph Options panel.

    Topics Graph Options

    Select a sort option to sort the graph by Label or Count, either in ascending or descending order. Select or deselect the Closed Topics check box to include or exclude topics that have been closed. For bar charts, this adds a bar in a lighter color for any closed topics. If there are open and closed topics for the Topics By field, then a stacked bar is displayed. Hover over the two sections to see the breakdown of the total shown by closed versus open topics. If you have chosen Current State from the Topics By drop-down list and selected the Closed Topics check box, a second donut chart shows the closed topics. To close the Graph Options panel, click the X. For all other Topics By options, when you select the Closed Topics check box, a stacked bar is displayed with any open topics at the bottom and closed topics stacked above in a lighter color. Hover over each section of the bar to see the number of open and closed topics.
  • Hide or show the Graph section by clicking the up-arrow or down-arrow that appears at the bottom of the Graphic section, respectively.
  • If you click any element in the Graph section, a menu opens with two options:
    • Add to filter: Add the filter to the Filter bar and filter the Topics table.
    • Replace filter: Replace current filters on Filter bar with the graph selection and filter the Topics table.

Topics table

The Topics table on the Topics tab includes standard and custom topic fields, as defined by the selected topic workflow configuration, such as Work teams, Project, Topic Name, Current State, Assigned to, Attachment Count, Action Count, Created, and Modified.

Topics tab Table section
  • The View items for selection and the filters in the Filter bar determine the set of topics shown.
  • The Header Action menu (Header Action menu icon) provides access to column management and download options, Oracle Analytics Topic reports, and allows you to add a topic to the table.


    Topic reports are not available for customers that do not integrate with Oracle Analytics.
  • The Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) provides the following options, whose availability depends on your work team and user permissions, and the topic state.

    Row Action menu options and permissions

    Row Action menu option Description


    View the topic.


    Edit the topic.


    Delete the topic.


    Reopen a closed topic.

    Create PDF

    Create a Portable Document Format (.pdf) version of the table for downloading.

    Create ZIP

    Create a compressed .zip file (which contains a .pdf file) version of the table for downloading.

Filter bar

The Filter bar on the Topics tab appears above the Topics table and contains a Select Filter button (Select Filter button) for adding custom filters to filter the table below. Available filters are defined in the topic workflow configuration. The Current State filter always appears on the Filter bar but you can change the selected state values.

Topics tab table filter
  • Click the Select Filter button (Select Filter button) to add or remove filters. You can add as many filters as you want. After you add the filter, you select values for the filter by clicking the filter.
  • Click the Reset button to clear the values of the selected filters and set the Current State filter to All Open States. The filters stay on the Filter bar; however, you can redefine the values for each filter.
  • To remove filters from the Filter bar, uncheck the filter from the Select Filter menu.

Detail panel

The Detail panel appears on the right. It displays a list of recently viewed or edited topics and the topic state and the number of actions, attachments, and comments associated with the topic. Planned actions are not included. You can click any topic to view it.

If you click a topic row, the Detail panel updates to become the Topic Detail panel. It contains four sections: General Information, Comments, Attachments, and Actions. You can collapse and expand each section of the panel. To view the topic, click the View topic icon (View topic icon ).

Topics Management Detail panel