View jobs for a signal configuration refresh

The Jobs for Refresh page shows the progress of the jobs that make up a refresh. Oracle Empirica Signal updates the page automatically until the refresh is successful or an error causes the refresh to fail.

The name and owner of the refresh appear at the top of the page. If a refresh is scheduled for the future, the scheduled date and time also appear.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  2. In the Configure Systems section, click Manage Signal Configurations.
  3. Click Manage Refreshes.
  4. Click the Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) for the refresh, and then click View Jobs for Refresh.

    Each refresh run consists of three component jobs: preparation, deployment, and post-processing.

    If a refresh fails or completes with warnings, the component job where the error or warning occurred is highlighted and the Status column provides information on the warning or error.

Field descriptions

Column Description


Automatically assigned unique ID of the refresh. IDs of deleted refreshes are not re-used.


The name of each job that makes up the refresh, for example:

  • Sigmgt_Data_Preparation_ ID
  • Sigmgt_Data_Deployment_ ID
  • Sigmgt_Data_Processing_ ID

Click the job name to view job details.


The text, Part of Run , followed by the run ID.


The value, any, appears if the next available listener can perform the job. If multiple listeners are in use, and the refresh is submitted using a definition file, a listener can be specified to perform each job, and the unique ID of the listener appears.


Server date and time when the preparation job was created.

Start Date

Server date and time when the job was started.

End Date

Server date and time when the job ended.


The value is NO for a job until the preceding job is complete. After the preceding job is complete, the value is YES.


The column remains empty until the job has completed or failed. If the job completes successfully, the status is Completed. If the run is canceled when the job is being performed, the status is Cancelled. If the job completed with warnings, the status column displays the warning message. If the job failed, an error message appears on a red background .