Import data

When your bulk import file is ready, upload it. The system reads the commands and executes them.

  1. Under the Administration menu on the left, click Bulk Import.
  2. Click Import a File.
  3. On the Upload File page, click Browse.
  4. Navigate to your bulk import file, select it, and click Open.
    The file name appears in the Select a file field.
  5. Click Upload.
    After the file is uploaded, the Confirm Data to import page opens, showing a preview of the uploaded commands.
  6. Review the commands for accuracy.
    If the Import button is inactive, it means that one or more commands are not valid. In this case:
    1. Identify the error: A red X icon red X icon in the Status column indicates that the operation is not valid. Check the Message column for information about the error.
    2. Correct the errors in your bulk import file. Work with Oracle Support, if necessary, to correct the errors.
    3. Restart the process to upload the corrected file.
  7. If the commands are correct, click Import.
  8. On the Result Details page, review the Status column for all entries:
    • A green checkmark green checkmark icon appears for successful operations.
    • A red X red X icon appears for operations that were not valid and were not executed. Check the Message column for details about the error. Hold your cursor over a cell to see the full message.

      You can also download the processed import file to view the full text of all messages. See Review and reuse previous import files for details.

To complete the operations that failed to execute:
  • If only a few operations failed, manually perform the remaining operations.
  • If a large number of operations failed, resubmit the bulk import file with only those operations that failed, after correcting the errors. See Check for errors for additional information or contact Oracle Support for assistance.