Reset a password

To manually reset the password for a user account:
  1. Navigate to the User Details page.
    1. Under Administration in the menu on the left, click Users.
    2. For the Display Name:
      • From the list, select Equals.
      • Type the user name in the field.
    3. Click Search on the right.
    4. In the Search Results section, click the link in the User Login column to open the User Details page.
  2. In the row of controls at the top of the page, click Reset Password.
  3. Perform one of the following depending on the password reset flow you have set:
    • If you are using Email Link as the password reset flow, click Send on the Confirmation screen.
    • If you are using Security Questions as the password reset flow:
      1. Select Auto-generate the Password.


        Although it is not recommended, you can manually define a new password:

        Select Manually change the Password, fill in the password fields, and select the E-mail the new password to the user checkbox.

      2. Click Reset Password.