Issue fixed in release 23.2

This release addressed the following issues:


Description: In some cases Oracle Clinical One Platform bulk user uploads failed to synchronize with Oracle Life Sciences IAMS, requiring users to apply a manual workaround.

Affected feature: Bulk Upload

Solution: Oracle Life Sciences IAMS has been updated and now synchronizes correctly with Oracle Clinical One Platform when uploading users in bulk.


Description: The newly released Oracle InForm audit trail API was blocked due to an incorrect policy configuration, preventing the flow of SSO study audit trail data from Oracle InForm to Oracle DMW.

Affected feature: Access Management

Solution: The software has been updated and the Oracle InForm audit trail API now works as intended, granting Oracle DMW the ability to attain SSO study audit trail data from Oracle InForm.


Description: When identity administrators tried to access My Oracle Bookmarks through the IAMS identity console, the Home link in the top left corner of the menu directed them to a 504 error message instead.

Affected feature: Access Management

Solution: The Home link in IAMS identity console now correctly directs users to My Oracle Bookmarks.


Description: When users attempted to reset their password, they received the error "The requested URL /oam/server/dap/cred_submit was not found on this server", even though the password reset was successful.

Affected feature: Access management

Solution: After a successful password reset, users are now directed to the correct page.


Description: Oracle Clinical One Platform user accounts created through Oracle IDCS received Oracle Life Sciences IAMS new account and password expiration notification emails causing confusion among federated users.

Affected feature: Federation

Solution: Oracle Clinical One Platform administrators can now work with their Oracle Services lead to disable Oracle Life Sciences IAMS notification emails for federated users created through Oracle IDCS. To ensure continued access, please be sure to communicate the appropriate login process to existing users before disabling Oracle Life Sciences IAMS notification emails.


Description: Study URLs in MyApps were rendering incorrectly due to a new API not adding the correct https:// prefix to them, causing 404 errors when clicked.

Affected feature: MyApps

Solution: The affected API now provides the correct https:// prefix to the URL, allowing study links to render correctly in MyApps.


Description: If a user's username contained a mix of upper and lower case values, MyApps did not render their study links, resulting in a blank page.

Affected feature: MyApps

Solution: MyApps now renders study links correctly for users who have usernames with any combination of upper and lower case values.