Can I list the archives and reports shared with sites?

The Site Notices page lists requests created by sponsors and downloaded by sites.

  1. From the Notifications section on the left, click Site Notices.
  2. (Optional) Filter the information within each column heading:
    • Request Name—Default or user-defined name for the archive or report request.
    • Notification Type—Action the notification is about (for example, Create or Download).
    • Site Name—Site that initiated the request or performed the download.
    • Site User—User name of the person who generated the request.
    • Email Sent—Date and time the notification was sent.
    • Email Status—Notification status (for example, Sent or Failed).
    • Source—Whether this was a Site or Sponsor request.
    • Details—A link to display the email message.
  3. To view the notification details, click the Details link in the Details column to see:
    • Subject—Subject line of the email message.
    • Body—Content of the message.
    • Email Sent—Date and time the notification was sent.
    • Sender—The email address of the sender.
    • Recipient—The email address of the person who received the message.
    • Sent—Status of the notification (for example, Sent).
  4. To close the Details window, click the X in the upper right corner.