How do I prevent hidden Oracle InForm data from appearing?

When you create Archival, Custom, and Custom Blank Forms archives or an Audit Trail report and share the output with sites, the PDF Request Settings page includes the option of choosing a different rights group than the one to which you belong.

This creates a subset of the items your rights group and the selected rights group are able to see in the PDF output.


Only site users that belong to the rights group selected will be able to download the PDFs once generated. The PDFs will not be visible to users belonging to other rights groups.

To include all data items, you must be logged in with a rights group that has been set up to see all items present in the study design. The rights group needs Read-Only or Editable display overrides to any item that is hidden by design default.

When a rights group has a display override assigned to it, a user who is a member of the rights group has the type of access defined by the display override to the items in the item group. Display overrides overrule the access rights of the rights group and the access rights determined by item definitions (design defaults).

For example, if an item group contains an item called dose_missed_rsn, and that item group is assigned to the CDMGrp with a hidden override, a member of the CDMGrp rights group cannot see the dose_missed_rsn item even if the design default is Read-Only or Editable.