CRF rights

To perform this activity A user must have these rights (Category: Right)
Enter CRF data
  • CRF Rights: Enter Data into a CRF
  • User Misc: View CRF
Edit CRF data
  • CRF Rights: Edit Data on a CRF
  • User Misc: View CRF
Enter comments on a CRF item or on a whole CRF
  • CRF Rights: Enter Comments into a CRF
  • User Misc: View CRF
Freeze a CRF
  • CRF Rights: Freeze a CRF
  • User Misc: View CRF
Unfreeze a CRF
  • CRF Rights: Unfreeze a CRF
  • User Misc: View CRF
Lock a CRF
  • CRF Rights: Lock a CRF
  • User Misc: View CRF
Unlock a CRF
  • CRF Rights: Unlock a CRF
  • User Misc: View CRF
Indicate a CRF is ready for source verification, or indicate that a CRF that was ready for source verification is no longer ready
  • CRF Rights: Mark a CRF as Ready for SV
  • User Misc: View CRF
Perform source verification on CRF data
  • CRF Rights: Mark and Unmark a CRF as SVed
  • User Misc: View CRF

To view the Source Verification Listing, the Monitor right is also required.

Sign a CRF
  • CRF Rights: Sign a CRF
  • User Misc: View CRF

The user also must be in the same signature group as the CRF to sign.

Configure Partial SV
  • CRF Rights: Mark and Unmark a CRF as SVed
  • CRF Rights: Change Site SV Settings
  • User Misc: View CRF