Sites detail page

Field Description
Site Name Required.
Site Mnemonic Required. Short name for the site. It appears in the list of sites, under Site Abbrv.
Time Zone Time zone where the site is located. This value is used to make conversions between internal system time and the time that displays for transactions that occur at the site.
Study Version Title of the study version associated with the site. The study version determines which version of the forms, study protocol, and study documents for a study appear to users at the site.
Site Server Name of the designated site sever. The site server is dedicated for doing specific activities, such as randomization, screening and enrollment, and generating subject numbers.
Study Locale Required. The language(s) in which study metadata are designed using the Oracle Central Designer application. This includes CRFs and related study design labels, such as visit names, CRF (form) names, section labels, CRF questions, item control labels, auto-query text, and so on.