System configuration and setting FAQs

Can I set up all the administrative data and configuration parameters with the Oracle InForm Admin user interface?

No. All study parameters are defined in Oracle Central Designer, and then deployed to Oracle InForm. Some parameters can only be modified in Oracle Central Designer. For more information, see the Oracle Central Designer User Guide.

After deployment, you can modify some study parameters through the Oracle InForm Admin user interface, or by editing XML files and installing them using the MedML Installer utility. For more information, see Oracle InForm administration tasks.

  • You can use the Oracle InForm Admin user interface to modify study elements such as users, groups, and sites one at a time. This guide provides instructions for configuring administrative features through the Oracle InForm Admin user interface.
  • You can use MedML and the MedML Installer utility to modify the definitions of multiple study elements and load them into the database in batch mode. For more information, see the Utilities Guide.

The User Management Tool can also be used to set up initial study elements such as users and sites. For more information, see the User Management Tool documentation.

What is the difference between a study logo and a company logo?

A study logo appears in place of a user image in the upper-right corner of the main Oracle InForm user interface window. For more information, see Loading a study logo.

A company logo appears in the Home page for a study that is defined with the Oracle InForm Portal. For more information, see the User Guide for Sponsor Users.

Do I have to set up a Home page?

No. The Home page is a web portal that appears in the main user interface window when users log in to Oracle InForm. It provides users access to information about the study, such as a company logo, white papers, links to key contacts, and news items.

You use the Oracle InForm Portal to define a Home page. User rights determine the information that users see. Tabs, and sections within the tabs, organize content.

If you do not define a Home page, the center of the main Oracle InForm window is blank when users log in.

What causes an invalid time zone alert?

An invalid time zone alert can occur if:

  • You recently started a study.

    When a study starts, all sites are checked for invalid time zones.

  • You added or updated the time zone for a site with the MedML Installer utility.
  • There was a Windows update.

    Time zone display names can change as part of standard Windows updates, which can cause time zones associated with existing sites to become invalid. As a result, times may not appear in the local time as expected in the user interface.