ODM Extract and Oracle Argus Safety attributes

  • ForTrial—Name of the study (case insensitive).



    The ForTrial attribute of each < add > element must be unique across all subscribers.
  • StudyId—Unique study identifier.


  • ThreadInLowPriority—True or false, indicating the priority mode of the thread that publishes events:


    • True—Thread priority is low.
    • False (default)—Thread priority is normal.
  • BacklogStartTransactionId—Not supported.
  • RunStartupValidation—True or false, indicating whether to run validation checks during Oracle InForm Publisher startup. If you specify True, the logical schemas/data mappings that were configured in the Oracle Central Designer application for use when integrating the Oracle InForm application with the Oracle Argus Safety application are validated when the Oracle InForm Publisher application is started. This validation identifies missing or invalid mappings that can cause unexpected results in the data published by the Oracle InForm Publisher application. The default is True.

    For ODM Extract Publisher subscribers, always set to False because validation is performed in Oracle Central Designer.