ODM Extract only attributes

  • OdmAdminAndMetaPushInterval—Scheduled frequency, in minutes, for the ADMIN and META Data push.
  • OdmAdminAndMetaType—Data type that needs to be pushed. Options are NONE, ADMIN, META, and ADMINANDMETA.
  • OdmExtractErrorMaxAge—Number of hours since the error activation time for which the error manager retries saving the error. The default value is 2 hours.
  • OdmErrorRetryExpiration—Number of hours since the error creation time that the error manager should activate the errors that have been given up. This setting is read during the startup of ODM Extract publisher and removed after it is read. This value cannot be less than the OdmExtractErrorMaxAge value, but if that is the case, the code defensively uses this value as the OdmExtractErrorMaxAge value to ensure correct reactivation and expiration logic. The default value is 0.
  • OdmExtractSuppressErrorPeriod—Number of hours that ODM Extract Publisher does not report the error for retry. The ODM Extract Publisher reads this value at the start-up time and removes this attribute from the configuration file after the start-up. At run time, the ODM Extract Publisher generates the date and time when the period of suppressing errors should end after this value is read. Any error occurring before this date is only logged as a warning and not retried automatically by the error manager. The default value is 0.
  • OdmExtractRetryInterval—Interval, in minutes, between error retries. The default value is 1 minute.
  • OdmExtractSaveErrorMaxRetries—Maximum number of times for the error manages to retry saving an error. The default value is 3.
  • OdmExtractSaveErrorRetryInterval—Interval in seconds that the error manager should wait to retry saving the error. The default value is 120 seconds.