Extensions that show control hierarchy and type

To define details for controls, the ODM Export interface provides the following extensions to the ODM elements ItemDef and CodeListItem.

Oracle extension to ItemDef Description
pf:ParentOID The parent of each ItemDef that is not a top-level ItemDef.

Defines the type of parent control.

If value of parent type is:

  • ItemDef, then pf:ParentOID refers to the parent ItemDef's OID.
  • CodeListItem, then pf:ParentOID refers to the parent CodeListItem's pf:SelectionOID.
SelectionOwner For each ItemDef that is the child of a radio group selection, the OID of the CodeList that contains the codelist selection.

Indicates the control type.

Values: RadioGroup, Checkbox, Text, Calculated, PullDown, Date.

Oracle extension to CodeListItem Description
pf:SelectionOID An OID that uniquely identifies the selection in a radio group. The value is a concatenation of the CodeList OID and the CodeListItem CodedValue.