FTP option

To enable FTP publishing for ODM extract type subscriber, configure the following in the InFormPublisher.config file:

  • EndPointType = "FTP"
  • EndPoint—IP or hostname address for remote host.
  • Username—Login credential for remote host.
  • Password—Login credential for remote host.
  • Local folder—Folder name (FtpLocalFolderPath) from which local files are picked up by ODM Extract SFTP transmitter.
  • Remote folder—Folder name (RemoteFolder) on the remote host, where files will be sent.

FTP Attributes

.\PublisherAdmin.exe Subscriber set OESubcriber9 EndPoint=ftp://<hostname>:<portnumber> EndPointType=FTP FtpLocalFolderPath=< local folder path> FtpRemoteFolderPath=<Remote folder path>


.\PublisherAdmin.exe Subscriber setCredentials OESubcriber9 User=<username>

<Enter password when prompted>

Requesting admin data and metadata

To write admin data or metadata to the Remote Folder, add a file called OdmConfig.properties to the local folder.

  • f the file contains ReturnCode=1, the Oracle InForm Publisher application will send admin data during the next push interval.
  • If the file contains ReturnCode=2, Oracle InForm Publisher application will send metadata during the next push interval.
  • If the file contains ReturnCode=3, the Oracle InForm Publisher application will send both admin data and metadata during the next push interval.
  • If the file contains ReturnCode=4 or the ODMConfig.properties file does not exist, the Oracle InForm Publisher application will not sent either admin data or metadata during the next push interval.