Operation—receive ODMdata

Service Operation
ODMProcessorService receiveODMData
Item Description
Input The Oracle Life Sciences InForm Publisher application sends ODM extract data XML in string format to the web service.
Output The web service sends one of the following return codes to the Oracle InForm Publisher application:
SUCCESS* After receiving ODM extract data, the receiving application sends a SUCCESS response.
ODMMETAREQUIRED The receiving application can request ODM metadata.
ODMADMINREQUIRED The receiving application can request ODM administrative data.
ODMMETAANDADMINREQUIRED The receiving application can request ODM metadata and administrative data.
Fault If the web service is unable to process data for any reason, it returns a fault.


The web service should return a success code after receiving either ODM extract data or ODM metadata and administrative data. The remaining codes should be used only when the receiving application needs administrative data, metadata, or both.