
Attribute/Child Value/Map to Oracle Life Sciences InForm
OID User Name.
UserType User Type.
LoginName User Name.
DisplayName User DisplayName.
FullName User first name + User last name.


Not all cultures use FirstName + LastName as the full name. The full name can be derived from FirstName and LastName elements that are available in the same response. The consumer of DownloadAdminDataODM should rely on FirstName and LastName elements to get the full name or display name.
FirstName User first name.
LastName User last name.
Organization N/A
Address/StreetName User Address 1.

User Address 2

Address/City User City.
Address/StateProv User State Province.
Address/County User Country.
Address/PostalCode User postal code.
Address/OtherText N/A
Email User email.
Picture N/A
Pager User beeper.
Fax User fax.
Phone User phone number.
LocationRef/LocationOID Site Name.

Entity: User.

Property: Site.

GroupRef One GroupRef child element exists for each group to which the user belongs.

Contains a GroupOID attribute.

DBUID Entity: User.

Property: DBUID.

GUID User Identifier.
Revision Entity: User.

Property: Revision.

LoginName Entity: User.

Property: Login Name.

UserType Entity: User.

Property: User Type.

StudyLocale Locale of study. Derived from dcv_thingdata in the study database.
Active Indicates whether the user state is active.
Terminated Indicates whether the user state is terminated.