Roles and features for the Oracle InForm application server

Server roles and features to be added in the Server Manager console.

Select the following server roles and features using Add roles and features in the Server Manager console:

Server roles

  • File and Storage Services
    • Storage Services
  • Web Server (IIS)
    • Web Server
      • Common HTTP features
        • Default Document
        • Directory Browsing
        • HTTP Errors
        • Static Content
        • HTTP Redirection
      • Health and Diagnostics
        • HTTP Logging
        • Logging Tools
        • Request Monitor
      • Performance
        • Static Content Compression
        • Dynamic Content Compression
      • Security
        • Request Filtering
        • Basic Authentication
        • Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
        • Digest Authentication
        • IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
        • IP and Domain Restrictions
        • URL Authorization
        • Windows Authentication
      • Application Development:
        • .NET Extensibility 4.7
        • Application Initialization
        • ASP
        • ASP.NET 4.7
        • ISAPI Extensions
        • ISAPI Filters
        • Server Side Includes
      • Management Tools:
        • IIS Management Console
        • IIS 6 Management Compatibility
          • IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
          • IIS 6 Management Console
          • IIS 6 Scripting Tools
          • IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
        • IIS Management Scripts and Tools
        • Management Service

Server features

  • .NET Framework 4.7 Features
    • .NET Framework 4.7
    • ASP.NET 4.7
    • WCF Services
      • HTTP Activation
  • Remote Server Administration Tools
    • Feature Administration Tools
      • SMTP Server Tools
  • SMTP Server
  • Windows PowerShell
    • Windows PowerShell 5.1
  • Windows Process Activation Service
    • Process Model
    • Configuration APIs
  • WoW64 Support