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Parts of the import utility

InForm Data Import utility components



Data file

A pipe-delimited file that contains the following:

  • Line feed characters and carriage returns between lines.
  • Data to load into the study database.

Map file

A file that contains all the mapping information that is necessary to import the data file to the InForm database.

XML file

A file that contains information that can be directly imported into the study database. For more information, see Creating a data and map file and Adding new clinical data.


Information against which the XML file is compared to ensure that it complies with the study standards.

You use rules to:

  • Raise queries about data.
  • Validate data.

    Note: Running rules might cause the import to run slowly.

InForm application server

The server on which the InForm application is running.

Study database

The database in which the data for the study resides.

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