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Mapping child controls

When the target control is nested within another control (for example, a field within a list of radio buttons), you must create separate map fields for the group control and for each child control within the group. Similarly, your import file must contain fields for the group control and for each possible child control selection.

To assign a specific value to the group control selection, the InForm Data Import utility maps child control names to their database ID paths.

To generate child control mappings for a group control map field:

  1. In the Field Definition dialog box, click Map Strings.

    The String Map dialog box appears.

  2. Click Generate Child Control Mappings.

    The Currently Mapped Strings field shows the mappings between child control RefNames and their database IDs. In the import file field that corresponds to the map field that defines the group control, type the child control RefName for which you are providing data.

  3. Click Update Map.
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