Install the Distributed Processing Server

On each computer where you have installed one or more processing engines for use with Oracle LSH, do the following to install the Oracle LSH Distributed Processing (DP) Server:

  1. Create a home directory for the DP Server. It can be located anywhere on the computer where the DP Server resides. Oracle recommends naming it DPServer_Home.
  2. In the DP Server Home directory, create two subdirectories: lib and log.

    The lib directory will hold the jar files the DP Server uses. The log directory will hold DP Server log files. Each time you start the DP Server it creates one log file. The DP Server adds log information to that log file each time it runs a job.

  3. Change to the lib directory.
  4. Source the RUN file system environment file from the Oracle LSH application server by using the following command:
    source /<BASE_LOCATION>/EBSapps.env RUN
  5. Copy from $CDR_TOP/jar to the DPServer_Home/lib directory.
  6. Using GNU zip or another utility, unzip into the lib directory. The file contains the following files:
    • DPServer.jar
    • fileWatcherServer.jar
    • xmlparserv2.jar
    • aqapi.jar
    • jmscommon.jar
    • jta.jar
    • ojdbc8.jar
    • orai18n-mapping.jar
    • ucp.jar
  7. Change directories to the DPServer_Home directory.
  8. Create a working directory with a meaningful name for each service that will run on this machine. For example, if you will run SAS jobs on this computer, create a directory such as SASWORK. If you will also run Oracle Reports jobs on this computer, create another directory with a name like REPWORK.

    Each time one of these engines runs a job, the DP Server creates a directory containing the files required for the job and gives the directory the job ID as a name. When you define services in the Oracle LSH user interface, specify that you want the DP Server to create these job directories in the working directories you have created. For more details, see Define Service Locations and Services.

  9. Set the TNS alias in the tnsnames.ora file to the global_name of the database server. This is required because the DP server runs jobs, such as SAS programs, that connect to the database server using the global_name.
  10. On the DP Server machine,  create a symbolic link from the location where SAS is installed to user home:
    ln -s  SAS_executalble_path/sas_u8 DP_Server_Home_path/sas
  11. Ensure that JDK 1.8.0_281 is installed on each DP Server machine.


If you need to set up the DP Server outside the firewall, make sure the computer outside the firewall can connect to the database server inside the firewall. To do this, change a firewall setting to allow external access to the TNS listener port on the database server.