Set Up SAS as an Integrated Development Environment

To use SAS as an integrated development environment (IDE) each Definer must do the following on his or her local PC:

  • Install SAS in the location specified by the system administrator.

  • Install the Oracle LSH client plug-in by inserting the CD-ROM supplied by the system administrator.

    InstallShield runs cdrclient.exe, which loads cdrconfig.xml and cdrclient.exe either to the default location or to a location the Definer specifies on his or her local computer.

  • Ensure that cdrconfig.xml has the correct directory path for the SAS executable.

  • Set the user preference for the SAS connection mode (details below). Instructions are in the "SAS Connection Type" section of the Getting Started chapter of the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub User's Guide.

  • Install any software required to support the preferred connection mode (details below).

  • Set the NLS_LANG environment variable or registry settings to support UTF8 character encoding; see Set the NLS_LANG Environment Variable to UTF8.

SAS Connection Modes: SAS can work as an integrated development environment (IDE) in different ways. Each user must set a preference for the way he or she wants to work. Oracle LSH supports the following connection modes:

  • Connected Mode. The Definer has the SAS client installed on his or her personal computer. When he or she launches SAS as an IDE from an Oracle LSH Program, Oracle LSH downloads views based on the source Table Descriptors defined in the Program. The Definer works locally on the SAS client, using the views to read current data in Oracle LSH. The Definer's SAS program can write to local SAS data sets. When the SAS program is ready, the Definer goes into the Oracle LSH Program and uploads the SAS source code as an Oracle LSH Source Code file.

    The client must use the SAS Access to Oracle tool to connect to Oracle LSH.

  • SAS Connected Mode with Work Area Data. This mode is the same as Connected mode except that it connects to the Work Area schema in the database. From SAS, the user can browse views of current data in all Table instances in the Work Area, not just the Table instances linked to Table Descriptors of the Program.

    The client must use the SAS Access to Oracle tool to connect to Oracle LSH.

  • Disconnected Mode. The Definer has the SAS client installed on his or her personal computer. When the Definer launches SAS as an IDE, Oracle LSH uses the Distributed Processing Server to download the current data in the Table instances mapped to source Table Descriptors in the Program into the Definer's local SAS environment, creating data sets with the same structure as the Oracle LSH Table Descriptors. The Definer's SAS program can read from and write to local SAS data sets. When the SAS program is ready, the Definer goes into the Oracle LSH Program and uploads the SAS source code as an Oracle LSH Source Code file.

    No connection other than a network is required to the Oracle LSH Distributed Processing Server.