Define Service Locations and Services

You must define Service Locations and Services in the Oracle LSH user interface for each computer where the Oracle LSH Distributed Processing (DP) Server will run. You define one service location for each computer, and at least one service for each engine or development environment that you want to run on that computer.

To define service locations and services you must have a user account with the Oracle LSH System Admin role assigned to it.

To log into Oracle LSH, do the following:

  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Enter the eBusiness Suite SSWA (Self-Service Web Application) URL as follows:

    http://<host name>.<domain name>:<HTTP port>/oa_servlets/AppsLogin

    For example:

    The Applications Login screen appears.

  3. Enter the username and password associated with the LSH System Admin responsibility and click Login.
  4. Under Navigator, click Life Sciences Data Hub. The system displays the list of Oracle LSH user interface locations to which you have access.
  5. Click Service Location. The Service Location screen opens.

To define service locations and services in the Oracle LSH user interface, follow the instructions in "Setting Up Services" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.


For Oracle DMW, you need one or two Service Locations. You need two services; Text for SQL*Loader and SAS. The two services can be on the same Service Location if it has access to both SQL*Loader and the SAS processing engine as well as the folders you will create to put data files into for loading into Oracle DMW. You can put text and SAS files in different locations.