Schedule the Context Index Refresh Program

The Oracle LSH Context Index Refresh Program refreshes context server indexes in Oracle LSH and TMS. You must set it up to run regularly so that user-entered metadata is continuously updated and available for use in Oracle LSH.

To schedule the Context Index Refresh Program:

  1. Click the Submit a New Request button either:
  2. Select Single Request and click OK.
  3. Click the gray LOV button on the right of the Name field. The Reports List of Values opens.
  4. Select LSH Context Index Refresh Program and click OK.
  5. Click Schedule. The Schedule pop-up opens.
  6. In the Run the Job section, select Periodically. Additional fields appear.
  7. Schedule the job to run every two minutes by typing the number 2 in the blank field and selecting Minutes from the drop-down list in the Run Every line.
  8. Click OK. A warning message appears stating that selecting a schedule without an end date will result in the request's being resubmitted until cancelled.
  9. Click OK. The Submit Request screen appears.
  10. Click Submit. A window pops up with the job ID and asks if you want to submit another request.
  11. Click No.
  12. To monitor the concurrent program's progress:
    1. Click Find.
    2. Click Refresh Data periodically to update the execution phase and the status displayed on screen.
    3. When the status is Complete, click View Log to view the log file. The log file should not have any errors.