5 Milestone set up

Create milestones

In the "Create milestones" section, users add new milestones and specify the milestone's Type (Provided or Projected). After saving a milestone, users can drag-and-drop (Icon is four outward facing arrows) to order milestones as preferred and edit the milestone name/type as necessary. However, to prevent users from invalidating dependency maps, Study Planning prevents deletion of a milestone after it has been added to a dependency map. In this case, the Create milestones page allows users only to edit the milestone name, and the "Remove" option is disabled. Removing the milestone or modifying the milestone Type is not possible on the Create milestones page until the user deletes the milestone from the dependency map.Set up milestones

Manage global milestones

Study Planning uses milestone prediction functionality for certain global milestones. Users who have an explicit permission to manage global milestones in the set up area can configure projected and provided milestones for the account.

For projected milestones, a user can enable or disable prediction functionality milestones mapped to the IP Release, Contracts Fully Executed, Site Initiation Visit (SIV), Initial Submit, and Initial Approval global milestones. Users can also enable the SIV cycle time milestone, if preferred. When prediction or cycle time calculation has been enabled for any of these milestones, the user can also configure use of Summary milestones that predict first, last, and specific percentages (e.g., 25, 50, 90) for milestone completion. Note that summary milestones are not calculated when prediction functionality is not enabled for the projected milestone(s).

Provided milestones also include prediction functionality. Users can enable predictions for milestones mapped to the Essential Documents Sent to Site and/or Final Approved Protocol global milestones.

Manage global milestones