Oracle Site Activate standard reports

Description Ticket Severity
Study level filtering in the Open Activities and Submission and Approval Status reports did not show data for users with individual study assignments. LSRPT-5544 1

We corrected an issue where certain metadata fields in Study Level Artifacts public view were null for sites in study level submissions. Now, for sites included in either country or study level submission, the following 11 fields are populated with the correct package and site metadata:

  1. country_submission_site
  2. package_id
  3. package_submission_date
  4. study_site_id
  5. site_approved
  6. site_number
  7. display_status
  8. pi_first_name
  9. pi_last_name
  10. institution
  11. irb_ec_type
LSRPT-5881 3