Set study, country, and site response time milestones

Milestones are used to identify critical stages along a project timeline. Use these instructions to set date, number, and percentage targets for specific study milestones.

  1. In the top navigation bar, hover over setup and click milestones.
  2. In the Study level section, complete the required Project start date and Proposed site list finalized fields. All other fields are optional.
  3. In the Response time targets for site tasks section, for each milestone, enter the average number of days you expect to complete each task.
  4. In the Study-site milestones section, enter the study goals for completion by bucket state. You can optionally select dates that reflect the percentage (25, 50, 75, 90, 100) of study target completion for recommended sites, selected sites, and final acceptance sites.
  5. In the Country level milestones section, enter the Target number of subjects. Optionally enter country targets for final acceptance, sites selected, and recommended sites. You can also select dates that reflect the percentage (25, 50, 75, 90, 100) of study target completion for recommended sites, selected sites, and final acceptance sites. Complete all remaining country level milestone fields as preferred for each country.
  6. Click Save.