Configure workflows for sites

Set the workflow's attributes and close date and set up the tasks you need sites to complete and the order in which they must complete those workflow tasks.

You must have a user role with Select Lite Workflow Configuration permission to complete this task.

  1. In the top navigation bar, hover over setup and select site workflow configuration.
  2. In Section 1, click (Icon image is a plus character) to select a workflow to use for the study.
  3. In Section 2, enter a Close Date for the workflow. If the study has multiple workflows, click the radio button for the workflow you prefer as the default.
  4. In Section 3:
    1. Check the box to allow digital signatures on CDA documents.
    2. Check the box to allow sending email invitations to sites.
    3. Enter a new workflow name, if necessary.
    4. Optional – enter an internal-only workflow description.
    5. Optional – enter a workflow description that will display in Oracle Site Select LITE. Format the text as preferred.
    6. Optional – enter a completed workflow message that will display in Oracle Site Select LITE. Format the text as preferred.
    7. From the Site task Library on the left, click (Icon image is a plus character) to the right of any task that you want to add to the Workflow tasks list in Section 3.
    8. In the Workflow tasks list, reorder tasks using the (Icon image is an up arrow) and (Icon image is a down arrow) buttons.
    9. Optionally change any Task names displayed to sites (50 character maximum; supported special characters are: `1234567890-=~!@#$%^&*()_+[]\;',./{}|:"<>?).
    10. For each task, add Task information text that will display for the task in Oracle Site Select LITE. Format the text as preferred. Exception: For "Internal workflow tasks" only, Task information displays to a Oracle Site Select user on the "Complete tasks on behalf of site" page, and Oracle Site Select LITE will display the text you enter into the "Site display information" field instead.
    11. Optionally un-check The next task becomes due after this task is completed. if you do NOT want the task to be gated (i.e., completing this workflow task is not required to proceed in the workflow).
    12. For CDA tasks, indicate a default countersigner (if any) and indicate the document type. If preferred, enable the option to Send the finalized CDA via email attachment.
    13. For Generic document tasks, update the document name fields as desired. Select an Action type. If you selected Choose Response or Attestation required, complete the additional text fields.
    14. If necessary, you can remove any tasks by clicking X next to the task name.
  5. Click Done.