Import data for an unpublished regular datasource

You must have a role with Data Source Management permission to complete this procedure.


This procedure applies only to regular datasources. If your organization will use composite datasources, please contact your Oracle Project Manager for assistance.
  1. On the global navigation bar under account, click account data sources. On the Account data source management page, you will see a list of all the datasources for your account. You can import data for Regular datasources marked "unpublished."
  2. Click a datasource name. Below the Account data source management page heading, click the datasource name again.
  3. On the Manage datasource definition page, click Import CSV.
  4. The data fields in your data import CSV must match those of the data fields you mapped while creating the datasource.

Once you complete the procedure above, you will see a message that data is being imported and you will see a progress indicator under the Date column. Once the data import is complete, the imported date appears under Date column.

The imported data records are displayed in the Data tab in the Imported data preview table. If there are any errors in the source file, the error messages are displayed in the Error tab.