Adding groups and assigning a group type

You add groups and assign them a group type in the Groups worksheet. Group data entered in this worksheet is populated to the SiteUsers and SponsorUsers worksheets.

You can update data for existing groups by selecting a new Type or editing the Description.


Do not change the Group Name for a group if you have already uploaded group data to a trial in Oracle InForm User Management Tool, or if you have downloaded a trial-specific template from Oracle InForm User Management Tool.

To add a new group:

  1. Enter a name for the group in the Group Name column.
  2. Select a group type from the available list using the drop-down list in the Type column.

    You can select either Signature Group or Query Group.

  3. Optionally, add a description for the group in the Description column.
  4. Click Populate Groups to propagate group data to the dependent worksheets.


The Groups worksheet is only for assigning signature and query groups.

Item groups and display overrides are defined in Oracle Central Designer for Oracle InForm 6.1 and above, and in the Oracle InForm User Management Tool user interface for earlier versions.

For signature groups, the content of the group is defined in Oracle Central Designer for Oracle InForm 6.0 and above, and in the Oracle InForm User Management Tool user interface for earlier versions.