About loading data into the Oracle InForm User Management Tool

You can create users and assign sites and user rights in the Oracle InForm User Management Tool user interface. However, to upload large amounts of user and site data, Oracle recommends that you perform a bulk import from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. To facilitate this process, Oracle provides a Master User List (MUL) Template (also referred to as a Joint Template or Composite Template) to create and upload users and their sites and rights. You can download this template directly from Oracle InForm User Management Tool.

Depending on how your Excel options are configured, you may see an Excel error icon (ExcelIcon_small) in the Oracle InForm Version field on the Welcome page after you open a template that you downloaded from Oracle InForm User Management Tool using Microsoft Excel. You can ignore the icon and associated message, or you can update your Excel options to remove it. For more information, see Updating your Excel options.

This template can be used for multiple workflows:

  • To update data for a specific trial.

    Download the template specifying an existing trial. You can then add or change existing data for this trial in the spreadsheet and re-import the data as needed. For more information, see Using the MUL Template to add or change data.

  • To create a template to use as a common starting point for all trials.

    Download the template without specifying a trial. This allows you to reuse a single template with common rights and roles as a starting point for all trials.

    For example, if you use the same Rights & Roles for all of your trials, you could populate them in the template and then use that template as the starting point for all of your trials.

    For more information, see Creating a master template from the MUL Template.

Regardless of which workflow you are using:

  • You must have macros enabled.
  • Columns labeled in blue are required fields and must be populated.
  • Ensure that no blank rows exist between completed rows.
  • For Oracle InForm 6.0 and above, Oracle recommends that the username is set to the user’s email address (for example, john.doe@acompany.com ).

    The character length of the username cannot exceed 63 characters. As an alternative, you can use the first initial plus the last name. For example, the username for the user John Doe is jdoe.

  • Site numbers must include all digits, including leading zeros.
  • Do not use special or foreign characters in template cells.
  • You cannot have duplicate sites or users.
  • Do not use carriage returns when entering address data.
  • If you copy and paste into cells with drop-down lists, be sure the value exactly matches the value provided in the drop-down list.